About Us

About the company, the owners, and more

Welcome to Angela's Treat Stash, where we're on a mission to pamper your furry friends with the finest handcrafted pet treats made from all-natural ingredients. Our journey began in 2020 when we adopted Angela, a sweet dog whose health had suffered due to her life before rescue. Angela's story inspired us to create a brand that's not just about treats, but about wholesome care and education for pet owners

Angela came into our lives in 2020 and we’ve all improved since. The very first day of lockdown, one day after adopting out our previous foster dog, we accepted Angela with open arms, not knowing how sweet, gentle, and playful she truly was. Underweight, anxious, and still holding onto her bowl as a comfort item at first, she quickly made herself at home and began opening us up to her silly side. We couldn’t talk enough good about her when interacting with potential adopters, “she’s so sweet and well-behaved! She loves to be by your side and takes calm naps when you’re away.” But due to her limitations with having to be the only dog in home and needing twice daily insulin injections, she wasn’t getting much serious attention from possible homes. Every day that passed, we fell more in love with her and more of her personality began to come out and shine. Several months later of living with her by our side, we couldn’t imagine life without her; she became officially a part of the family on June 29th, 2020.

By this point, her bloodwork was inconsistent, and she was going to the vet for draws to test it every few weeks. Emboldened by her official adoption, we worked tirelessly to investigate ways we could improve her diet and lifestyle to increase her chances of success long-term. We started with cutting out as much poor quality, commercial treats as we could in order to avoid the extra starch and low-grade ingredients that might worsen her glucose control. We found some basic recipes using oat flour and minimal ingredients, and committed ourselves to making Angela our own treats full time. Our menu of oat flour cookies had grown to include PB Banana, Apple Carrot, and Broccoli Cheddar flavors for variety, and then expanded to dehydrating meat. First, we used basic muscle meats like chicken and turkey, but realized quickly through our research that dogs need a huge variety of animal parts for a well-rounded diet. Liver, hearts, gizzards, and even bones like necks and feet became dehydrated favorites, packing some serious nutritional value. Within 2 weeks we already noticed an improvement in her energy, playfulness, and coat, and her blood work was next to improve. If just changing treats was making an impact, we decided we should do more.

We researched how to transition off of her kibble, which was a prescription one for her diabetes, but with still a ton of filler. We began with making her batches of cooked food, which she enjoyed for a time, but eventually grew bored of. Why would she eat cooked meat if she is constantly surrounded my dehydrated and raw animal meat with much more value? She would always be at our feet drooling when a bloody organ was on the cutting board. So, we transitioned her to a fully raw diet according to raw feeding principles (about 80% muscle to 20% organ meat with fresh fruits and veggies). The 37-pound rescue dog we started with is now a strong 60 pounds of muscle and energy. Her attitude, energy, and physicality all dramatically improved, and her bloodwork improved so much we no longer needed to go for frequent analysis at the vet. We now make it our goal to provide treats with maximum nutritional value not just for Angela but for all dogs. Although a fully raw diet is not feasible for everyone, using healthy, simple treats and being mindful of ways to diversify the dog’s diet is something we wish to help and encourage for all.

Angela, our beloved rescue dog, came into our lives with diabetes, a condition stemming from her past struggles. Her resilience and the transformation we witnessed ignited a passion within us to provide pets with the love and care they deserve. We knew that nutrition played a pivotal role in Angela's recovery, and thus, Angela's Treat Stash was born.

Kara Roberto, B.S., M.S., M.B.A. candidate

Hello! My name is Kara and I am the owner of Angela's Treat Stash! I began this business in November of 2020 after doing some quick searches on healthy pet treats and very quickly finding that there are not very many options out there. With Angela being diabetic, I wanted to make sure that she was receiving high quality food and treats, and commercial kibbles, canned foods, and treats just don't seem to make the cut! My main goal for this business is to create natural, healthy products that our pets can enjoy while we feel confident in what they are ingesting. With that, I am also a double certified pet nutritionist and a fear-free certified pet sitter, and can offer nutrition consultations to help get your pet the most out of their diet!

Domenic Roberto, B.A., B.S., M.S.

Hi! My name is Domenic, and I produce all of the meat-based products for Angela's Treat Stash! I began helping Kara early into her development of the business by taking on the slicing of turkey meat and beef liver. A year later, I'm handling everything from brains to necks to fish egg sacs! I love cooking, and seeing a dog go crazy for our natural treats gives me the feeling of seeing a satisfied friend eating a home-cooked meal. With our new setup I've taken on more responsibility, and the more I throw myself behind our products the better I feel. I'm hoping to follow in Kara's footsteps with getting certified in pet nutrition, and I will continue to find the weirdest and most nutritious proteins to give out to dogs!